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進口星型聯軸器產品用途 Product use
星形彈性聯軸器(45#鋼):適用于聯接兩同軸線、啟動頻繁、正反轉多變的軸系傳動 Suitable for connecting two coaxial lines, frequent starting, and variable forward and reverse rotation shaft transmission
擴大軸孔彈性星形聯軸器(45#鋼):適合于孔徑更大的安裝場合,特別適合于重載荷的傳動單元,如升降機、建筑機械 The shaft sleeve is made of steel, which is suitable for installation with larger apertures, especially for transmission units with heavy loads, such as elevators and construction machinery
法蘭彈性星形聯軸器(45#鋼):適用于重型機械的法蘭聯結,A型和B型適用于法蘭和軸的聯結 Suitable for flange connection of heavy machinery, Type A and Type B are suitable for flange and shaft connection
單、雙法蘭星形彈性聯軸器:是預應力下無齒隙的連接,應用于主軸傳動、升降平臺和機床等 Star elastic couplings are characterized by a pre-stressed connection without backlash, and are used in spindle drives, lifting platforms, and machine tools
雙彈性體星形聯軸器:預應力下無齒隙的連接,應用于主軸傳動、升降平臺和機床等 Star elastic couplings are characterized by a pre-stressed connection without backlash, and are used in spindle drives, lifting platforms, and machine tools
工作環境溫度-35~80℃ Working environment temperature - 35~80 ℃
以工程塑料作彈性元件,緩沖、減振、耐磨 Using engineering plastics as elastic elements for cushioning, vibration reduction, and wear resistance
進口星型聯軸器結構特點 Structural features
尺寸緊湊,慣性小,承載能力高 Compact size, small inertia, high bearing capacity
具有補償兩軸相對位移、減震、緩沖的功能 It has the function of compensating the relative displacement of two shafts, damping, and buffering
尺寸緊湊,慣性小,軸向插入式安裝 Compact size, small inertia, axial plug-in installation
彈性體由凸形爪塊限制,可避免由于沖擊產生的內部變形及離心力產生的外部變形。凸爪大的凹面,使漸開線齒上的表面壓力很小,齒上即使承受過載,齒仍不會磨損或變形 The elastomer is limited by a convex claw block to avoid internal deformation caused by impact and external deformation caused by centrifugal force. The large concave surface of the claw makes the surface pressure on the involute tooth very small, and even if the tooth is subjected to overload, the tooth will still not be worn or deformed
兩同軸線、啟動頻繁、正反轉多變的軸系傳動 Shaft transmission with two coaxial lines, frequent starting, and variable forward and reverse rotation
雙部件雙節式結構能補償很大的安裝偏差 Double component and double section structure can compensate for large installation deviation
阻尼振動,降低噪音 Damping vibration and reducing noise
偏差引起的力很小 The force caused by the deviation is very small